Athan Australia Memberikan Ucapan Selamat Kepada Kabais Baru Tweet

01 Kabais 2018
JAKARTA – Atase Pertahanan (Athan) Australia, Laksma Robert Plath dan staf disambut dengan hangat oleh Kabais Marsda TNI Kisenda Kusuma pada12 Februari 2018 dikantornya. Tujuan utama pertemuan tersebut ialah mengucapkan selamat atas jabatan baru Kabais dan membahas hubungan kerjasama di bidang intelijen dan pertukaran intelijen (Intelex) antara negara sahabat ini. 
Athan Australia didampingi oleh Atase Angkatan Darat Australia, Kolonel Matthew Campbell dan Asisten Atase Angkatan Darat Australia, Pelda Richard Swaby. Hadir dari staf Kabais anatara lain Brigjen TNI Saptono Adji, Brigjen TNI Anwar, Kolonel Roni Pasaribu, Kolonel Didik Kurniawa dan, Mayor Delli dan Mayor Leo. 
02 Kabais 2018
Pada pertemuan ini ada beberapa topik keamanan nasional yang dibahas antara lain: sebagai negara tetangga kepentingan nasional kita saling berhubungan dan banyak kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dalam mencapai satu tujuan bersama. Walaupun terdapat perbedaan sejarah dan latar belakang, namun ancaman yang kita hadapi di masa depan tetap sama. Salah satu contoh tantangan atau ancaman yang kita hadapi bersama adalah ‘anggota teroris asing di timor tengah yang akan pulang ke negara asalnya, termasuk Australia dan Indonesia’. Selain persoalan teroris, contoh lain dari ancaman bersama, adalah: selalu adanya isu keamanan di perairan dan kelautan kita bersama. Sebagai negara sahabat dan negara tetangga kita menghadapi beberapa ancaman dan tantangan yang sama, dan oleh karena itu diperlukan kerjasama dalam bidang ini. Athan Australia, Laksma Plath terlihat antusias ketika mendengarkan pengalaman Kabais saat kunjungan beliau ke Australia. Kabais menyebutkan beliau sudah dua kali berkunjung ke Australia, saat mengikuti pendidikan di Melbourne dan Canungra serta yang terakhir saat menghadiri Avalon Airshow 2017. Pada kesempatan ini Athan Australia juga menyampaikan undangan kepada Kabais dari Director Defence Intelligence Organisation, Mayjen Matthew Hall untuk menghadiri Intelex 2018 di Australia. Sebelum pertemuan berakhir, rombongan Athan Australia menikmati keramah tamahan TNI dan saling bertukar cinderamata. Pada kesempatan inilah, Athan Australia menyerahkan Pin DIRAC kepada Kabais sebagai tanda kehormatan dan kerjasama.  
  JAKARTA - Indonesia – The Australian Defence Attache (HADS-J), CDRE Robert Plath and his staff were welcomed at office of the Chief of Indonesian Strategic Intelligence Agency (Kabais), AVM Wisenda Kusuma on 12 February 2018. The intent of the courtesy call was to congratulate Kabais on his recent appointment and discuss working relationships in the field of intelligence and the intelligence exchange (Intelex) between the nations. HADS-J was accompanied by the Army Attache, COL Matthew Campbell, and the Assistant Army Attache, WO2 Richard Swaby and they were welcomed by Kabais and his staff including BRIG Saptono Adji, BRIG Anwar, KOL Ronnie Pasaribu, KOL Didik Kurniawan, MAY Delli and MAY Leo. The courtesy call was conducted and several national security topics were discussed between the two close nations. Some of the discussions covered were, that as both friends and neighbours there are many mutual national interests and many opportunities to work together for a common goal. Although our history and backgrounds are quite different, we share mutual threats and challenges in the future. An example of this mutual threat or challenge is ‘foreign terrorist fighters from the middle east conflict zone returning to their home nations, including Australia and Indonesia’. The terrorist issue aside, another example of mutual threats is the ever present issue of our shared maritime security challenges. We as friends and neighbours always share the same threats and challenges, and we will both need to work together in this field. HADS-J, CDRE Plath was pleased to hear of Kabais experiences in Australia. Kabais explained he had previously visited Australia on two occasions, once on a course in Melbourne and Canungra as well as more recently visiting the Avalon Airshow in 2017. HADS-J was also pleased to convey an invitation from the Director Defence Intelligence Organisation, MAJGEN Matthew Hall to Kabais for him to visit Australia for Intelex 2018. Prior to departing the Australian staff were able to enjoy the hospitality of TNI and an exchange of gifts was conducted. It was at this occasion that we were able to present a DIRAC Pin to Kabais as a symbol of our continued cooperation.