On 10 July 2018, Air Commander –Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Steve Roberton met with his Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) Co-chair, Marsda TNI Johannes Berchmans, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations TNI-AU, and a delegation of RAAF and TNI-AU members for the 2018 RAAF-TNI AU Airman to Airman Talks. These talks are an important aspect of the relationship between RAAF and TNI-AU, as they provide a great opportunity for us to discuss our key areas of engagement, including, mutual training, bilateral exercises and senior officer visits. The July talks emphasised the close relationship between TNI-AU and RAAF and were undertaken in the spirit of friendship that underpins that close relationship. As a result of the talks, we have an agreed comprehensive program of mutually beneficial engagements for the next 12 months.
Following the talks, the TNI AU delegation travelled via VIP aircraft to RAAF Williamtown and received briefings on the RAAF’s Air Combat and Surveillance and Response capabilities and had the opportunity to see the significant base development being undertaken in order to support the new F-35 fighter aircraft. They also had the opportunity to check out an F-18 aircraft and the Wedgetail simulator.
Both Co-chairs were very happy with the conduct of the talks and the excellent professionalism and collegiate discussions between the delegations. |